Monday, November 12, 2007


This is amazing. Nothing tech related. Go to this site, every question on the quiz that you get right increases your donation of rice to those in need of food. " ". 

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Getting my GeForce 8800 working in Fedora 8

By combining what I've read from several other solutions, I managed to install the proprietary NVIDIA driver for my 8800 in Fedora 8. 
Steps were:
1. In the terminal I ran "yum update" to make sure I have the most current build. 
2. Then "yum install kernel-devel". This is very important, the NVIDA installation won't work without step 2!
3. Download the proprietary NVIDIA driver from 
4. Kill X-serve, I did this by running typing "telinit 3", there are several other ways but this one works well enough.
5. Now that x-serve is off, go to the folder containing the driver, and type "sh NVIDIA.(whatever its called)".
6. An installer screen should come up, and it will probably want to compile it's own module. Everything should be self-explanatory for this. 
7. After installer is finished, reboot computer, and in terminal type:
  "nvidia-config-display enable"
  then "nvidia restart". 
8. You might need to restart X-server at this point, either way the driver should be installed and working at this point. 

Friday, November 9, 2007

Fedora 8 upgrade through yum

Well it is time for me to bite the bullet and upgrade to Fedora 8. I have been using Fedora 7 since it's release and while pleased with it, I'm ready for the next iteration of Fedora. After reading quite a few forums and articles on Fedora 8, I decided to go with upgrade through yum. Two excellent resources for Fedora 8 through yum are : and  Anyway first thing I did was make sure to have all updates taken care off. 
1.  yum update -y.
2. yum clean all.
I read from several other websites that people are having some dependency issues due to Beryl and related. I took care of that in step 3. 
3. yum -y remove beryl-plugins heliodor bdock.    